There are always buzz words out there in the teacher world. Right now, two that I can think of are Flexible Seating and STEM Challenge. If you go on Pinterest or follow any teaching groups on Facebook, you have surely seen these two terms over and over. As teachers, I think it is easy to get sucked up into the current trends in education, but it is REALLY important to remember that you need to be using these trendy ideas with a critical mind. … [Read more...]
Kindness Club For the Win
It's the end of the year and you are counting down the days left right along with the students! It seems as though the entire class has forgotten every rule and routine that was put into place (and seemed to be working). Now the kids are antsy and acting more like brothers and sisters at each other all the time. The lack of kindness is taking over... I was recently reading a question … [Read more...]
GIVEAWAY: Classroom Signs to Match Your Color Scheme
GIVEAWAY! Do you need to spice up your walls? Check out my classroom mini posters! I'm going to be working on some new color schemes later this week! Comment below with the color schemes you'd like to see and you could win a FREE set for your classroom! I have them framed and hanging up in my classroom. My students love to refer to them and they really brighten up your classroom! I bought simple dollar store frames that had black matting in them. … [Read more...]
Classroom Tour: Classroom Library
School has started here....I can't believe it! I was able to get my classroom mostly ready a few weeks ago because I was going on vacation with my family. I returned home from vacation on Sunday and hit the ground running on Monday! We had Professional Development days on Monday and Tuesday and the kids started on Wednesday. I have been busy busy, but I wanted to share a few photos of my classroom as it starts to take shape! Here is my … [Read more...]
Figurative Language Mini Posters
Since they painted our classrooms this summer (a lovely shade of off-white....blah), I am continuing to reprint and laminate all of the things I hang on the walls of my classroom. I have been picking and choosing what I want to keep, what I don't want to hang back up, and what I might want to add. I have already reprinted my baseball behavior system (freebie!), some motivating mini-posters I created, and some math and reading posters. … [Read more...]
Rediscover Nature: Might Make You Think
As a teacher and now a mother, I think that this commercial is vital for EVERYONE to watch. I can't stress how important the messages in this video are. The world is changing and it is seemingly more difficult than ever to avoid overdoing technology when it is so easily accessible. We must work to balance our children's life experiences. People need to nurture and cultivate a love for real world experiences and relationships within … [Read more...]