Since they painted our classrooms this summer (a lovely shade of off-white....blah), I am continuing to reprint and laminate all of the things I hang on the walls of my classroom. I have been picking and choosing what I want to keep, what I don't want to hang back up, and what I might want to add. I have already reprinted my baseball behavior system (freebie!), some motivating mini-posters I created, and some math and reading posters. … [Read more...]
Rediscover Nature: Might Make You Think
As a teacher and now a mother, I think that this commercial is vital for EVERYONE to watch. I can't stress how important the messages in this video are. The world is changing and it is seemingly more difficult than ever to avoid overdoing technology when it is so easily accessible. We must work to balance our children's life experiences. People need to nurture and cultivate a love for real world experiences and relationships within … [Read more...]
Freebie: Friday Folder Printables
This is a freebie! I am sharing my Friday Folder printouts with you. Each Friday I pass out the Friday Folders at the end of the day and my students bring them home. They go through their folders with their parents over the weekend and make necessary corrections. On Mondays, they bring back their folder and any corrected papers. It is a life saver for both teacher and parents because all papers are contained and expected. I store my Friday Folders in a milk … [Read more...]
Starting to Plan the First Week of School: Yarn Web and Student Scavenger Hunt
As all teachers know, the first day of school can be full of giving directions and going over all of the rules. Amidst these discussions, I like to get my students out of their seats and moving around. I love to foster a sense of community right away and its important to help the kids get to know each other right away. On the first day of school, I do a yarn web game with my class. It is so simple, yet my students love it and continue … [Read more...]
Updating Posters and Signs in My Classroom
Well, after several years of teaching, I figured it was time to update some of the posters and signs that I have made along the way. I went into my classroom the other day because I know that time in August will be limited and I dug through the things that I hang up every year. I pulled out a handful of hand written signs that were in desperate need of a facelift. I brought them home and got to work on the computer. Here's what I came up … [Read more...]
Reward Coupons: Incentives that Students Actually Find Motivating
Every year I wish that my students will come into the classroom on the first day of school with an innate desire to do their best all the time. They often do not. As the year progresses, I am often able to help my students become more intrinsically motivated. Motivating students often leads to the Prize Box. So many teachers have prize boxes which are a great way to get students' attention and motivate them in the classroom. While I usually … [Read more...]