In our classroom we have been working on writing persuasive paragraphs. This is the first year that third grade is working on persuasive writing so I had to think of some engaging activities to get my class motivated! This is an activity we did that used sentence starters to try to persuade our families to let us get a puppy, a cell phone or let us stay up later. Once students wrote their rough drafts using a graphic organizer, they edited … [Read more...]
Author Study: Eve Bunting
In third grade we are in the middle of our first author study. We chose the beloved Eve Bunting! In our reading anthology we read, "A Days Work" which is a wonderful story with a great message about telling the truth. Eve Bunting always tackles the tough issues, and she is a great author to use to teach about theme and the message in … [Read more...]
Pumpkin Observations/ Seed Estimation
I haven't posted in a while because I have been so busy and I have had a lot going on! Halloween was last Thursday and it was a "charged" day in third grade to say the least! At our school, they students aren't allowed to dress up, so that helps a little when it comes to keeping the kids calm. I love to bring pumpkins into the classroom and do a whole "pumpkin" themed day! I used this activity pack from my TpT … [Read more...]
Multiplication Fact Practice
Today in third grade we moved on to the x4's. So far we have done the x0, x1, x2, x3, x5, and x10s. After our whole class lesson and individual practice, I wanted the kids to get a chance to practice their facts in a fun way. Since flashcards can be boring to a third grader, I decided to create a "game" for fact practice. First I downloaded free game boards from The School Bell. I had students color them in when they … [Read more...]
Subject and Predicate “Dice” Activity: Day 2
The second day of our Subject and Predicate "Dice" activities involved creating their own dice. Each partner-ship had to create a subject die and a predicate die. They worked together to create 6 subjects and 6 predicates to put on their dice. Once they completed their dice, they cut out and assembled them. Then they could roll their dice and record their own sentences. It was so motivating for them to see what they might … [Read more...]
Subject and Predicate “Dice” Activities
In an attempt to make subjects and predicates more engaging, I decided to create a game out of them. My students LOVED it! The first day we did this activity, we had already had some background lessons on subjects and predicates. The kids cut out dice templates that I had created. Each group of two students created one subject and one predicate die. Once they were created, the students rolled both of the dice to create … [Read more...]