Yesterday we enjoyed a little Groundhog Day fun at home! We watched this great groundhog video, which I plan on showing to my class next year. Then my 2 year old wanted to do some crafts so these are what we came up with! Construction paper and wiggly eyes to the rescue!
First we made a Groundhog cut out and glued him to
paper. She enjoyed being able to draw the shadow, the hole, and the sun. I had wanted to do the groundhog in the paper cup craft that I do in my classroom, but I realized (too late) that we were out of paper cups. I used oak tag to make a cube-type shape and it worked just fine once I added the construction paper grass.
When my husband got home, my daughter asked him to do a craft with her and she wanted to use a paper plate.
They worked together to cut out construction paper to make the plates into groundhogs. It was simple but she loved it. It was definitely something that could easily be done in the classroom too! I am always looking for something simple, yet effective!